Loved the books and loved the movie. Who knew putting vampires, blood, and humans could be so interesting. Originally, I had thought it was the same old story about a vampire who lures a human into his home where he then proceeds to suck his/her blood. This was not the case, however. A whole new perspective was brought about by these books (Twilight Series) and the movie.
I decided to read the books after my younger sister insisted I do so. I hadn't head of the book series until she had mentioned them and I wasn't expecting to like the book series either--a book about a girl falling in love with a vampire didn't seem to appealing. I was pleasantly surprised, however, and when I heard about the "Twilight" movie coming out, I was looking forward to it as well.
Of course the book had so much more detail, but overall the movie was a good depiction of the book. Director Catherine Hardwicke did a great job! The description of the vampires in the book were especially interesting to see on film. They were almost perfectly depicted in the movie as I had imagined them to be while reading the book--pale white skin, amazing strength, and powers.
For those of you who are unfamiliar with the books/movie. The "Twilight" movie, Catherine Hardwicke's adaptation of Stephanie Meyer's novel, is about a girl, Isabella Swan (Kristen Stewart), who falls in love with a vampire, Edward Cullen (Robert Pattinson). This vampire and his family, however, are considered vegetarians because they only suck the blood of animals rather than humans and are different from their kind. Because of their differences, they are tested tremendously and Isabella, who is now in Edward's world, must learn the ways of the vampires and is even put at risk.
This film received many mixed reviews. Many of my friends either said they loved the movie or hated it and that the book was better. I felt the book was better, but felt that overall the movie depicted the book very well. So I am going to say my money was well spent! The movie won the weekend box office with over $70 million debut gross. I look forward to the next movie, "New Moon," which is expected to come out on November 20, 2009!
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